QRZ! Ham Radio 11
QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 11.iso
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This administrivia file and the companion Amateur Radio Elmers Resource
Directory are intended for non-commercial distribution via Usenet. Any
other uses, please E-mail for permission.
[Special note: My E-mail addresses have changed, reflecting a move to
Greater Omaha Public Access Unix, which was motivated by a desire to
seek a stable site for the Elmers List for some time to come. See my
signature below for the new addresses. My old E-mail addresses, at the
University of Nebraska at Omaha, will probably work for the foreseeable
future, but are not guaranteed.]
A Brief Historical Overview:
If there is any one constant in the changing state of the communications
art, it is that "Hams" (Amateur Radio Operators) have always been on
the forefront of it. Rumors abound where the term "Ham" came from.
Some of the more amusing are described in the list of Frequently Asked
Questions for this newsgroup.
Regardless of origin of the name, a "Ham" is universally recognizable as
one who experiments in radio and communications.
Whether it be constructing a low-power CW radio with vacuum tubes, or
designing TCP/IP packet networks, such experimentation has historically
spilled over into the mainstream such as was the case with Edwin
Armstrong, who developed the regenerative oscillator and FM radio, or
General Curtis LeMay (W6EZV) who was instrumental in making Single-
Sideband the communications standard for the Strategic Air Command
(1947-1992, now reorganized into a joint command called USSTRATCOM) and
eventually the U.S. Air Force. Although packet-switching techniques
originated from DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and
the ARPANet, no one can deny the tremendous influence that amateurs
have had in demonstrating the viability of TCP/IP and AX.25
communications via radio links. The efforts of AMSAT (the Amateur
Satellite Corporation), including the development of many ham satellites
and the low-orbiting Microsats (communications satellites no bigger than
a breadbox that use store-and forward packet techniques), have certainly
advanced the state-of-the-art in communications, one of the defined
purposes of the Amateur Radio Service, as recognized by international
Since in many cases hams are writing "the book", there is often no
"book" or other established reference for a beginner to refer to.
Traditionally, information has been passed on from ham to ham via word-
of-mouth. Like many of the traditional crafts, a variation of the
Master-Apprentice system has emerged, the Elmer-Novice relationship.
Called "Elmers" because they are usually older and wiser, having the
benefit of many years in the hobby, including several failed projects,
and an electric shock or two, they have traditionally been the mainstay
of amateur radio, and the source of many new hams, particularly those
interested in working on emerging technologies.
Even more importantly, Elmers provided an outlet for the impatient
newcomer who wanted "to know everything, and right away." Faced with
such a request, a good Elmer will smile and proceed to lead the novice
through some project or operating experience. Several hours, days, or
weeks later, the novice would have his answers, but would have earned
them. Even better, the sense of accomplishment would boost the novice's
confidence and nudge him or her down the road to being a model,
experienced ham operator.
Many present hams feel that such an experience is missing today. In
today's hustle-bustle world, the response to such natural curiosity and
desire to learn is, more often than not, "I'm too busy" or "RTFM." As a
result, the quality of new hams declines and the knowledge and operating
habits they develop in their first formative months and years leave much
to be desired. And the very same hams who claim that they "can't
understand the new generation" also, in almost the same breath, lament
about the "decline of amateur radio."
What is an Elmer today?
An Elmer today is of any age, male or female, who has some expertise and
is willing to share it with beginners. Elmers don't even need to be
licensed amateurs, just people with knowledge in some area of
electronics or communications technology.
What is a Usenet Elmer?
With the ever-widening scope of the Internet, and the amateur radio
newsgroups on Usenet, the potential for Elmers to share their
knowledge to a wide audience has never been greater. To that end, I
have started to maintain a list of such Elmers. Volunteers need only
send me their name, E-mail address, and area of expertise. I have set
up an administrivia mailbox for this purpose (elmers-request@
gonix.com, the default Reply-To: of this message).
Those desiring a more extensive list, or who need more specific
assistance, are encouraged to contact Rosalie White, WA1STO, Educational
Services Manager at the American Radio Relay League, 225 Main St.,
Newington, CT 06111 or via electronic mail addressed to
How may I obtain the latest copy of the Elmers List?
There are currently 7 ways of obtaining the Elmers List. Any site
at least reachable by Internet E-mail can use options 3 or 4:
1. Usenet News: The latest copy of the list can be found in the
companion postings to this message, "Amateur Radio: Elmers Resource
Directory [A-M]" and "Amateur Radio Elmers Resource Directory [N-Z]."
Since the list is cross-posted to rec.radio.amateur.misc,
rec.radio.info, rec.answers, and news.answers on the 1st of each month,
with an expiration date 6 weeks into the future, there should always be
a copy available at most news sites. Check your newsreader
documentation for information about reading previously-read articles.
2. Anonymous FTP: If your site is directly connected to the Internet,
you may retrieve the latest copy via File Transfer Protocol (FTP) from
the following sites:
ftp.cs.buffalo.edu /pub/ham-radio/elmers*
rtfm.mit.edu /pub/usenet/news.answers/radio/ham-radio/elmers/*
3. Mailing-List: Since the list is cross-posted to rec.radio.info, the
latest copy may be obtained from the mailing-list gateway for that
newsgroup (along with many other informational articles about radio)
when it is published each month. To subscribe, send E-mail to:
and in the BODY (not the Subject) of the message, write:
subscribe radio-info
The server may not be able to determine your return address. In that
case write:
subscribe radio-info (your E-mail address)
You should get an acknowledgement very shortly.
4. Mail-Server: If you don't want to read through the entire gateway
of rec.radio.info, or want a copy of the list right away, send E-mail
and in the BODY (not the Subject) of the message, write:
send usenet/news.answers/radio/ham-radio/elmers/admin
send usenet/news.answers/radio/ham-radio/elmers/index
send usenet/news.answers/radio/ham-radio/elmers/list/a-m
send usenet/news.answers/radio/ham-radio/elmers/list/n-z
send usenet/news.answers/radio/ham-radio/elmers/diff
and the latest copy of the list should be sent to you E-mail within 24
hours (the mail-server uses batch priority to reduce system demand).
The last three services are experimental. I'm not terribly familiar
with them, and cannot offer much technical support regarding their use.
(I'd appreciate feedback on whether or not you find them useful,
5. Internet Gopher: The latest copy of the list should be available
from the following Gopher sites, all at standard port 70:
see also comp.infosystems.gopher
6. World-Wide Web (WWW): The latest copy of the list should be available
from the following WWW site:
URL: http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu:80/hypertext/faq/usenet
under pages:
see also comp.infosystems.www
7. Wide-Area Information Service (WAIS): The latest copy of the list
should be available from the WAIS server at rtfm.mit.edu (standard port
210) in database "usenet."
see also comp.infosystems.wais
How may I contribute to the Elmers List?
By using this resource, you are benefitting the net by obtaining
assistance in the fastest and most efficient way possible. By
volunteering to appear on this list, you are contributing to the good
reputation of the radio-related newsgroups.
Thanks to all the volunteer Elmers, as well as courteous list users, for
making this service a success.
73, Paul W. Schleck, KD3FU
pschleck@gonix.com (personal mail)
elmers-request@gonix.com (Elmers List administrivia)